
Fårö Capital was founded by Christer Fåhraeus in 2000 with the aim of consolidating his entrepreneurship in one company. Over the years, Fårö Capital has grown from a holding company with a small number of holdings to an active investment company with a focus on disruptive and scalable innovations.

Christer Fåhraeus has a master of engineering degree in medical technology, a degree in mathematics, and a PhD in Neurophysiology from Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. Christer is also a graduate of the Swedish Army Language School.

During his doctoral studies, he started the company Cellavision AB (1994), based on the idea to use artificial neural networks to automatically classify white blood cells. The company was listed on the stock exchange in 2006 and has a market capitalization of more than SEK 8 billion today.

A couple of years later, Christer Fåhraeus started Anoto Group AB (1996). Fårö Capital currently has no ownership or other commitments in Anoto.

Christer Fåhraeus has also been involved in starting the companies Flatfrog AB, EQL Pharma AB, Longboat Amniotics AB and Respiratorius AB. All of them are today part of Fårö Capital’s portfolio.

The name Fårö Capital comes from the fact that Christer Fåhraeus has historical family ties to Fårö, north of Gotland, where the family name was taken in the 17th century as one of the sons moved from his home at Stora Gåsemora on Fårö. However, the business is essentially conducted in southern Sweden, with Lund as its head office. Fårö Capital operates in the academic and entrepreneurial environment in Lund and the surrounding area.